Hidden Costs of Untreated Mental Health

Untreated Mental Illness has a lasting impact on you. Press Play and Listen Below Transcript Below: [Music] Dr. Puja:Dr. Puja here, let’s continue to Think Healthy! Today, I want to talk about how mental health problems can look in your life. As you know, the whole world is going through a big mental health crisis. ...

mental health and post COVID

Untreated Mental Illness has a lasting impact on you.

Press Play and Listen Below

Transcript Below:

[Music] Dr. Puja:
Dr. Puja here, let’s continue to Think Healthy!

Today, I want to talk about how mental health problems can look in your life. As you know, the whole world is going through a big mental health crisis. And, a lot more people are experiencing symptoms of depression & anxiety.

What I want you to know is that untreated mental health conditions will affect all parts of your life–not just your mood. With untreated mental health conditions, one will likely see huge problems in their relationships, employment, and finances.

So if you’re struggling with your mental health, please reach out to your Doctor.

There are more resources on my website.

Reviewed by Dr. Puja Uppal, DO 
March 29, 2021
Doctor Puja

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