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FAQ about the Text Newsletter

Is the text newsletter Free?

Yes! You only pay, whatever your phone provider charges for regular texts through your regular phone plan.

Can I really write back to the Doctor sending the day’s text?

We welcome the two way communication that comes from the Text Newsletter.

Yes, our team of physicians, aka Our hosts, will do their best to answer you directly. With many subscribers though, it’s not always possible to respond to every question. And, please understand that the doctor will not be able to provide individualized guidance specific your medical needs. You may find that your question is addressed by the host in a text to all subscribers, as other subscribers were asking the same question. Great minds think alike!

Can other subscribers see my texts?

Nope! This is not a group chat. Only the host will see messages you send to them. Your conversation is strictly between you and the host.

How often will the host text?

You’ll generally get 3-4 texts per week. They’ll include a link to some of our videos or other health stuff we think you might find interesting.

How do I cancel?

You can text STOP at any time to end all text messages and any associated charges.

I don’t want A text, can I get your newsletter by email?

πŸ‘‰ Yes you can! Just follow this link and signup.

Make sure that you move our email to your primary inbox–so that you can read it, as soon as it arrives.

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