
Yes, eating ultra processed foods can lead to dementia and lower cognitive function

Yes ultraprocesed foods can lead to dementia

It’s in the news:  A new study indicates that if we eat ultra-processed foods for more than 20% of our daily calorie intake– we’re are at risk of cognitive decline. (Primary Source)

We now have the science that clearly shows us that Junk food is making our brain function go down!

The Expert Opinion: The research is showing that we don’t have to eat a lot of junk food to get their negative effects. The issue here is that it’s not a lot of calories.  For any given day, eating just around 500 calories of junk food has been shown to put you at risk for cognitive decline.  Doing this day in and day out, leads to declining brain function. 

The Big Picture:  We’ve spent many decades worried about what’s in our food for our overall health.  But, oftentimes we’ve been ignoring what the impact of that food can be on our brain health.  

This study clearly shows that what you eat can actually impact how your brain functions.

Here’s a link to an article that answers the question: What’s One Brain Food That Can Reduce My Risk Of Dementia?

Content Reviewed & Approved by Dr. Puja