Processed and ultraprocessed foods can harm brain development

WATCH THE VIDEO Are highly processed foods bad for children? Why, yes! Yes, they are! The background: A new study finds a STRONG ASSOCIATION between consuming more ultra processed foods and lower levels of physical fitness in children. Not surprisingly, the study also found the children and teenagers who consumed a lot of older processed ...

ultraprocessed foods and brain development


Yup, ultrprocessed foods can harm brain development

Are highly processed foods bad for children? Why, yes! Yes, they are!

The background: A new study finds a STRONG ASSOCIATION between consuming more ultra processed foods and lower levels of physical fitness in children.

Not surprisingly, the study also found the children and teenagers who consumed a lot of older processed foods were at a much higher risk of DEVELOPING HEART DISEASE when they became adults.

The Doctor’s Expert Insights:

Here’s what you need to know: According to the study, children who ate ultra processed foods had much lower locomotor skills compared to children who didn’t eat ultra processed foods.

The findings of the study are a big deal because it may mean that eating these types of foods could be preventing our brain from developing normally

The big picture: We’ve got to REDUCE the amount of ultra-processed foods like store bought pizza, sweetened juices, & cereals!

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